YANGON, KOMPAS.com - a new state flag of Myanmar is seen flying in one of the government building in Yangon on Thursday (21/10/2010).
Myanmar has started using the new national flag, so the announcement of the State Peace and Development Council which was broadcast live by local television and radio media.
The council also has approved several laws including the flag, emblem and national anthem in accordance with the country's new constitution.
The flag, emblem, and national songs listed in the United Republic of Myanmar's new constitution which was ratified through a national referendum in May 2008.
"The implementation of the law was announced by the Board to be implemented before the parliamentary elections scheduled to take place on 7 November," he said.
Myanmar has started using the new national flag, so the announcement of the State Peace and Development Council which was broadcast live by local television and radio media.
The council also has approved several laws including the flag, emblem and national anthem in accordance with the country's new constitution.
The flag, emblem, and national songs listed in the United Republic of Myanmar's new constitution which was ratified through a national referendum in May 2008.
"The implementation of the law was announced by the Board to be implemented before the parliamentary elections scheduled to take place on 7 November," he said.
Myanmar new flag consists of three horizontal colors: yellow top, middle and bottom red green and white star in the center, referring to the three colors.