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papaya benefits for human health

Monday, October 18, 2010 | 10:00 AM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2010-10-18T15:00:26Z
Papaya (latin: Carica papaya) is a fruit that comes from Mexico and is now found in many tropical countries including the one in Indonesia, the sweet taste makes people much like him. Not only was sweet papaya contains vitamin C which exceeds the mandarin oranges and grapefruit of California. Sprouts that had been known as rich in vitamin E also had to give up when compared with vitamin E, which is owned papaya. Not to mention other content contained on this fruit, such as beta-carotene, amino acids and enzymes and dietary fiber, making dr.Bill put papaya fruit is in the first position in the "Top Ten Fruits" by kanduangan nutrition.

Below are some of the properties of papaya for human life

1. Lowers the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
Betakarotin Gynecology, vitamin C and vitamin E found in papaya function as an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol teroksidasinya is in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of attachment of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall which causes koronel heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

2. prevent cancer
papaya beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A thus joins with vitamins C and E. and this combined with a vitamin called ACE or ACE trio.
In addition to preventing the oxidation of cholesterol, vitamin Ace also acts as an antioxidant that protects cells from damage to DNA (genetic material) so reduce the risk of cancer. Combination with eating fiber and folate are also found in papayas will make it more efficacious to prevent cancer.

3. Preventing Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease that makes the mass of the brain shrinks, causing dementia and other neurological disorders puncture. On 14 February 2002, the New England Journal of Medicine announced that high levels of homocysteine in the blood that the blood will increase the risk of Alzheimer's. Levels of homocysteine in the blood must be on guard so as not to exceed normal limits when the levels of homocysteine in the blood increase the risk of al-zheimer will increase, so too a child's learning ability will decrease drastically. By eating papaya which contains lots of folic acid can reduce homocysteine levels are increased, thereby reducing the risk of disease al-zheimer.

4. Digestion
Papaya contains papain which helps digestion of protein. Not only that, the papaya is also rich in dietary fiber that prevents constipation (constipation) and reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Dietary fiber on the biological effects triggered papaya is also full, so very good for our diet

5. skin food
ACE vitamin that can be directly used for skin health. Mashed ripe papaya and used as a mask to clean skin and skin menghalukan
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