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Residents should evacuate, if Merapi Worrying

Saturday, October 23, 2010 | 11:44 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2010-10-24T04:44:47Z

MAGELANG, KOMPAS.com - Vice Regent Magelang Zaenal Arifin, asking people living in disaster-prone areas should be displaced if Merapi Mount Merapi activity is alarming because its current status "standby".

"We expect citizens to follow the command from the Command Post officer in each region if at any time required for evacuation to avoid the danger of Merapi," he said in Magelang, Sunday (24/10/2010).

He acknowledged, some residents have their own beliefs, if not already appear certain signs sure do not want to evacuate because of Merapi would not erupt.
"If it becomes difficult to be influenced beliefs, but we hope that people who have the confidence to come away from the danger of Merapi," he said.

Zaenal said, to face the danger of Merapi, Magelang regency was set up post in every region, including the rallying point, temporary shelter, and the final refuge. "Tents and logistics are we prepared. In the event of an eruption, where residents have been displaced, all been coordinated with the agency or agencies," he said.

He said, to support the implementation of the evacuation has prepared a fleet of 750 including those of communities surrounding the refugee camps. "We also involved the community, for those who have a vehicle to actively participate in the evacuation process," he said.

Alluding to some evacuation routes are damaged, he said, is currently being carried out repairs to the road menembel holes.

Magelang regency was set up 52 refugee camps consist of temporary and final refuge located in school buildings, village hall, and tennis.

In Magelang regency there are 19 villages located in areas prone to disasters (KRB) III, which is in District Srumbung eight villages, Sub Shaman eight villages, and district Sawangan three villages.

Center of Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta has raised the alert status of Merapi danger to idle on Thursday (21/10) at 18:00 pm
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