Jakarta - The immediate rescuing of 20 Indonesian nationals held hostage by Somali pirates is a matter of national pride, a legislator said.
"I urge the National Defense Forces (TNI) special force to immediately take action to set free the MV Sinar Kudus` crew who are being held hostage by Somali pirates," House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission I member Fayakhun Andriadi of the Golkar faction said here on Monday.
The ship with a cargo of ferronickel belonging to state mining company PT Aneka Tambang was on its way from Indonesia to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, when it was pirated by Somali gunmen.
Freeing the ship`s crew was a matter of national urgency and pride, Fayakhun said.
"We still remember the TNI`s Special Force`s success in freeing the hostges aboard the "Woyla` in Bangkok, Thailand, and thus its image is respected and revered in the world," Fayakhun said.
Therefore, Fayakhun urged the TNI`s Special Force to move quickly to set free the Indonesian citizens now held captive by Somali pirates.
He also wondered why the government had not responded positively to the hostage taking drama involving 20 Indonesian sai;ors on the MV Sinar Kudus which happened r almost a month ago.
source : antaranews.com