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Secrets of The World's Genius

Saturday, October 23, 2010 | 10:31 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2010-10-24T03:31:44Z
If you think an innate genius with an IQ well above average, you are wrong. they only managed to use his brain more than the ability of ordinary people. Virtually all people can develop their thinking skills such as the brain, it only takes WILLINGNESS and HARD WORK. Bill Gates, the Microsoft company owner who is also the first among the geniuses say that 99% who created the genius is HARD WORK. Genius here is not someone who has an IQ well above average, but the genius here is the expert or experts in their fields.

For those of genius, there are only 3 keys to their genius, we too can become part of them, with the key and WILLINGNESS TO WORK HARD
Secret 1.
The genius can find its own way to master the things that have not been in kuasainya. The genius creates its own method of learning best suited to themselves. If you do not master a subject, they will find out the most efficient way to learn it. They continue to try (they never stop trying, if not successfully) until they can master who wants mastered. If one method fails, they will try other methods.

Secret 2.
The genius has a motivation that is "very, very, very big!" to master what the interest. Sometimes they are willing to sacrifice many things for the sake of his interest in it. This is the story of Bill Gates the richest man on earth: "Bill Gates is a smart person. That's for sure. If it is not smart, he will not get into Harvard University, which is the best university in the world. But he's out. The reason:" I want do more. "Apparently, he did not want to just be smart. He wants to be a genius. He was aware, continues to be reducing his time in college studying computer software that is very interested. In his confession, he had not slept for days when it completed its first software .

Secret 3.
They are geniuses have a clear vision of the future, concrete and measurable. When asked what he wanted in the future, they will respond fully to the details. "10 years from now, I will become an entrepreneur whose products are teak furniture hold throughout Europe. Employees of more than 500 people. Omsetnya more than 50 billion." That vision of a great entrepreneur.

So, what do you think?
You can be a genius in any field that interest you, if you think and have the character of a genius. And, three that's the secret. Only three. A simple way to be a genius. If 3 secrets that you already hold and you use as your secret too. So this is a simple way of raising the figure of the genius in you:

When you want to know something, tell yourself: "The other side of this right, what's behind it?"
When an answer comes, continue to ask those questions again.
The Things That Can Help you Achieve "Inner Genius" Mu
Once you know many things about the genius and knew how to raise, now is the time to know what are the things that can help to evoke "the genius" within you.

Sleep enough
Lho kok even sleep, rather than to train the mind should be kept awake? Apparently not. Sleep after learning actually increase the brain's ability to remember. When falling asleep, our brains actually work hard to sort out important information for us, so the ability of our memory strengthening. But it applies only to sleep more than 6 hours. That's why learning credits system (system of racing last night) is not recommended because it only weakens the ability to think and the ability of our memory. So, proceeded to sleep for at least 6 hours after study at night. That way, your study will yield more leverage. To become an expert, staying out is taboo.

Physical Exercise
Many-many are doing physical activity: a walk, exercise games, gymnastics, or whatever. Doing a lot of physical activity shown to improve brain thinking ability.
Eating enough
Lack of food will make you do not have the energy to think smart, but too much eating will make your brain become less intelligent. Eat enough and selective. Avoid eating too much fat-foods of animal origin. Many-many are eating a type of fat called omega-3, contained in fish, nuts, or seeds. Many-many are also eating fruits and vegetables. The expert always never be short of or over in a matter of eating.

Listening to music is suppose to improve the ability of the brain in thinking, but not directly. Known listening to music can make the body feel relaxed, less negative feelings, and reduce fear. Well, the things that automatically enables us to focus more on thinking. But not everyone is known to succeed with the help of music. Some people just can not think while listening to music. So, find your own way!

Do not forget to play
Intensive learning continuously without rest and without a pause is not a wise behavior. Playing is fun. Besides can relieve stress, play also makes us think the ability of the brain become more brilliant. So, a time to play. Just so you know, an Albert Einstein and Bill Gates have always reserve time each day to play. Conversely, do not also only play only. Just playing is not going to make you an expert.

Some suggestions to play:
1. Playing physically. Come in a physical game that is not a specific target (compete to win is not playing) and that is not limited by time (up to several minutes to reach a certain point is not the play).

2. Playing with objects, such as making something with your hands and you enjoy the activity (just do it, without having any target must make something. Just do it).

3. join with friends or others in an activity that looks without purpose, like only chatting and laughing together.

Meditation routine helps the brain work. The simplest way is to exercise sederhan breath. First, create the position of the body in a state as comfortable as possible. Then take a deep breath through the nostrils and inhaled deeply, then release slowly from the mouth hole. Do it repeatedly, until the body feels fresh. Want to help a simple way of relaxation?

Believe it if you can
"Despite trying very hard but you failed, too. Then you conclude if you are not capable enough." Well, even if you think so, psychologists claim otherwise. Such failures are often not due to lack of ability, but because of self-confidence is lacking. Most of us are caught up in stereotypes that only certain people who can succeed. As a result, our brains also react to adjust to that trust. Become, we did not achieve our best performance because we basically do not really believe will be successful. So, you can trust 100%, then your brain will help you.

Playing video-games
Hm ... apparently playing video games in time proportional, would enhance the ability of our brains to think. So, play video-games, particularly strategy games that require your ability to quickly make decisions. But too many video-game play will also make your thinking ability decreases. Try not more than 1 hour per day to play.

it was not hard to boost the thinking ability of our brain. hopefully the above recipe can alter the ability to think all my friends. hopefully useful.

quoted from : http://ceritadunia.blogspot.com/
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