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Selasa, 18 Mar 2025

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still selling despite bombing

Thursday, September 30, 2010 | 1:23 PM WIB | 1 Views Last Updated 2010-09-30T18:24:07Z
 Labfor doing investigation incident bombing around Market Artha Resources

Some employers shops around Market Artha Resources, Highways KH Noer Alie Kalimalang, Bekasi, West Java, said that their trading activities are not disturbed by the presence of a bomb blow up that happened on Thursday morning (30 sep 2010).

"I stay open until around 22:00 pm as on normal days, and no consumer or loss decreased by a bomb," said Ricky, an electronics store entrepreneur Ray Bright, Bekasi, on Thursday night.

According to him, the incident of bomb blast came from a bicycle Ontel in Artha Resources Market roadblock, had no impact on his store, located only about 50 meters from the location of the occurrence of detonation.

"At first I was shocked and the people here heard the explosions of bombs and plans to close up shop. But, it seems that buyers still arrive as usual. In fact, until 19:00 pm there were still buyers who come," he said.

this is the same as saying Ismet, traders Ice Rays Garut, which hung directly over a shoulder KH Noer Alie Street, City of Bekasi.

"Instead I added buyer crowded since there is a bomb blast incident. Therefore, many people who come to about the location of the explosion. Today is just the buyer has doubled from a normal day," he said.

however, police had to forcibly shut down a sidewalk stall semipermanent Johadi property, because it is situated only a few meters yards from the scene for the sake of further investigation.

"Show me closed several hours after the incident. The word officer, for purposes of inspection. The plan I just open it again tomorrow, Friday," said johadi.
despite experiencing losses due to the incident, but Johadi feel grateful for her store is only closed temporarily, and not forcibly dismantled by police officers.
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