Breathing deeply is essential for physical and emotional health. However, because of breathing tends to be a reflex caused by the inhaled activity is often forgotten.
From now on, take a moment to breathe deeply until you feel any air passing through the stomach through the nose out through the mouth. Find out other benefits from a deep breath in, as quoted by Reader Digest.
1. Reduce stress
Breathing in helping to reduce stress when you're feeling depressed. In this way the body will send signals to slow reactions in the brain, so there are hormonal changes and other physiological factors. The effect is to slow the heart rate and lowering high blood pressure during stress.
2. Lowering blood pressure
Breathing in stimulating the emergence of a natural nitric oxide which serves to make a person more calm. These substances will enter the lungs and even brain centers, so that the blood pressure in a high state can be decreased.
3. Slowing the heart rate
When the emotional state and heart rate was rising fast, pull a deep breath. This method can very effectively reduce heart rate while you are under stress conditions. "Take a deep breath properly, do it three times. Jantuk beat and blood pressure will decrease," said Dr. Abramson.
4. Lose temper
Inhale deeply as you begin to feel emotions were rising. "When angry, your body will feel depressed, by breathing deeply can reduce the emotion and pressure that comes," said Robert Nicholson, Ph.D., assistant professor at Saint Louis University.
5. Prevent overeating
Stress is one of the main triggers appetite. To avoid overeating when stressed, you can handle it with breathing exercises. When the appetite occur when the stress, take a breath slowly and remove the food from the mind and focus for relaxation.