BANDUNG : Starting from 2011 the Ministry of Health banned ad serving milk formula for children aged under one year. This step is an effort to reduce child mortality is still high, that one reason is very low coverage of exclusive breast milk.
Scope of exclusive breastfeeding is still low because parents choose to give formula.
Menkes Edang Rahayu Sedyaningsih
Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih Health Minister explained that on the sidelines of the meeting of the Strategic Alliance for Achieving MDG's (Millennium Development Goals), Warning to the 63rd Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Friday (10/22/2010) in Bandung.
"Scope of exclusive breastfeeding is still low because parents choose to give formula. Therefore, all ads, whether in print, electronic, and outer space, will be prohibited, "he said.
Prohibits employment
In addition, the Ministry of Health also will prohibit cooperation between the manufacturers of formula milk and places of public and private health services, including maternity, doctors, and midwives.
Formula feeding for children under two years are only permitted for certain cases, for example if the mother gave birth to a problem with milk supply. The ban is expected to apply in conjunction with the release of government regulation (PP) that regulate increased milk (milk), exclusively and limiting the use of infant formula in 2011.
According to Endang, exclusive breast-feeding campaign is vital in suppressing the infant mortality rate below five years. Health Ministry data shows that breastfeeding can reduce deaths by 17 percent in the new birth (neonatal) and 12 percent in children under five years old. He explained, the newborn death rate nationally is 34 per 1,000 live births and child mortality under five years reached 44 children per 1,000 live births. "Only about 22 percent of mothers give birth to her baby exclusively breast milk," he explained.
Currently, the government continued deliberation on the Draft Regulation (RPP) on the ASI, which will be ratified early next year.
Regulation of tobacco problem
In addition, Kemenkes also being discussed RPP Tobacco Products Security as addictive substances for good health.
"Regulation of milk likely to be more quickly adopted than tobacco PP discussion quite a lot. However, both cultivated completed next year, "he said.
Discussion Draft ASI relatively more smoothly because infant formula manufacturers willing to work together to support the rule. While the discussion of tobacco stuck RPP various interests, particularly from the cigarette manufacturers are not happy with the new rules.
Scope of exclusive breastfeeding is still low because parents choose to give formula.
Menkes Edang Rahayu Sedyaningsih
Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih Health Minister explained that on the sidelines of the meeting of the Strategic Alliance for Achieving MDG's (Millennium Development Goals), Warning to the 63rd Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Friday (10/22/2010) in Bandung.
"Scope of exclusive breastfeeding is still low because parents choose to give formula. Therefore, all ads, whether in print, electronic, and outer space, will be prohibited, "he said.
Prohibits employment
In addition, the Ministry of Health also will prohibit cooperation between the manufacturers of formula milk and places of public and private health services, including maternity, doctors, and midwives.
Formula feeding for children under two years are only permitted for certain cases, for example if the mother gave birth to a problem with milk supply. The ban is expected to apply in conjunction with the release of government regulation (PP) that regulate increased milk (milk), exclusively and limiting the use of infant formula in 2011.
According to Endang, exclusive breast-feeding campaign is vital in suppressing the infant mortality rate below five years. Health Ministry data shows that breastfeeding can reduce deaths by 17 percent in the new birth (neonatal) and 12 percent in children under five years old. He explained, the newborn death rate nationally is 34 per 1,000 live births and child mortality under five years reached 44 children per 1,000 live births. "Only about 22 percent of mothers give birth to her baby exclusively breast milk," he explained.
Currently, the government continued deliberation on the Draft Regulation (RPP) on the ASI, which will be ratified early next year.
Regulation of tobacco problem
In addition, Kemenkes also being discussed RPP Tobacco Products Security as addictive substances for good health.
"Regulation of milk likely to be more quickly adopted than tobacco PP discussion quite a lot. However, both cultivated completed next year, "he said.
Discussion Draft ASI relatively more smoothly because infant formula manufacturers willing to work together to support the rule. While the discussion of tobacco stuck RPP various interests, particularly from the cigarette manufacturers are not happy with the new rules.
In the bill on tobacco, Endang said the government would ban all tobacco advertising is not only common in public places, but also in mass media. Manufacturers of cigarettes were also asked to load visualization of the dangers of smoking, such as cancer, heart and lungs in a larger space on cigarette packs to replace the inscription warning the dangers of smoking that is currently displayed in the relatively small size.
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