Despite obvious limitations, the absolute value of the restriction hipertesi continues to change. Clinical Pengalama prove that blood pressure "normal" who once set a bit higher in fact still have the risk of heart attack and blood vessel (cardiovascular)
Various kinds of damage to the body may arise as a result suffer from high blood tekana in a long time. Complications were such as:
1. brain damage
This damage caused by stroke, brain tissue is deprived of oxygen due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels of the brain. As a result, the emergence of weakness or a collection of half the body with a variety of other disorders. Severe damage can even lead to death
2. damage to the heart
complications of high blood pressure can cause an enlarged heart muscle that ended with the collapse of the left heart functions to pump blood throughout the body. This situation is characterized by swelling in the feet and eyelids, rapid fatigue, and shortness of breath.
3. damage to the kidneys
Kidney damage is very dangerous because it can lead to failure of kidney function to remove hazardous substances and substances that are no longer needed by the body. Patients eventually require dialysis
4. eye damage
organs of sight can be affected by complications of hypertension. Damage to the eyes can cause vision problems to result in blindness