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Regional bylaws disregards human rights

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 | 9:58 AM WIB | 1 Views Last Updated 2010-11-03T15:58:36Z
MEDAN, N SUMATERA - Medan State University or Unimed think thank conveyed deep anxiety over National Commission on Human Rights' (Komnas HAM) findings that regional government top human rights abuse case due to regional bylaws.

"The finding indicates ugly portrait of regional administration office to guarantee human rights value in Indonesia," Unimed's human right study center (PUSHAM-Unimed) researcher Majda el Muhtaj told Waspada Online made available through cellular phone here on Wednesday (Nov.2).

Majda questioned the government should comprehend that regional bylaws generation basically to uphold people aspiration

"The administration offices may refer to Middle term Development Planning (RPJM) of regional bylaws No.8/2009 states government ought to be widely open to involve public in a development planning," he said.

As the government ignore human rights on regional bylaws, its domino effect eventually burden people both in economic and social aspects.

"Ironically, regional bylaws is issued to enhance people prosperity," he added.

To bridge the miscommunication, Majda urges bureaucrat awareness to intensify opennes information for public system, which is effectively realized through media.

Formerly, Komnas HAM chief Ifdhal Kasim revealed to find public complaint on human right abuse cases, were majorly acted by regional government.

"The human rights abuse occured due to regional bylaws issuance improperly answered people needs," Ifdhal said 500 out of 3,000 rights abuse cases were involved regional government.
The finding result obtained by a study held from January to October 2010.
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