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Alarming Increase in Unemployed University Graduates

Thursday, December 16, 2010 | 10:06 AM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2010-12-16T16:06:35Z
Jakarta – The number of academically educated people who are unemployed in Indonesia is increasing at an alarming rate, a university alumni association leader says.

The upward trend in the number of highly educated but jobless people in major Indonesian cities is related to university graduates` predisposition for employement as civil servants or private company employees whereas the number of job openings in these two areas was very limited compared to the existing work force, Sofyan Djalil, chairman of the University of Indonesia Alumni Assocaition (ILUNI), said here Wednesday.

“In other words, higher education in Indonesia is only producing new job seekers rather than job creators,” he said.

Earlier, when speaking at a workshop on development of entrepreneurship in Indonesia last Tuesday. Sofyan had said encouraging and facilitating university graduates to become entrepreneurs needed to be pursued as a way to solve the problem of unemployment among academically educated people.

“The existing trend now is the higher the education a person has enjoyed, the less that person will be interested in becoming an entrepreneur,” he said.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur required perseverance, hard work, and mental resilience. “It is these requirements that university graduates generally are unwilling to meet, and making them choosy in accepting work,” he said.

Yet, according to Sofyan, the preparedness of university graduates to embark on entrepreneurial careers was badly needed to keep the economy moving. “A country will make sutainable progress, if it has many entrepreneurs,” he said.

Lack of capital can no longer be considered as an insurmountable obstacle for university graduates to become entrepreneurs because many banks were now offering credit without collateral, said Sofyan, a former state enterprises minister.

Meanwhile, Nurdin Subari, vice director of the Micro, Small and Medium Enteprises Center of the University of Indonensia`s Economic Faculty, said the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia was still small compared to other Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, the Philippines.

The ideal ratio of entrepreneurship in a country`s population was 1:20 but in Indonesia it was still 1:83 or far below the figures in other Asian countries such as Korea (1:20), Japan (1:23), the Philippines (1:63).

Nurdin said to achieve success as an entrepreneur also rrquired patience. Usually, the first five years would be full of obstacles and constraints. “But if one manages to pull through the crucial first five years, one will usually succeed,” he said.
source : onlinesumatra.com
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