Denpasar, Bali - Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih was scheduled to make an inspection of the Sanglah general hospital on Thursday.
"The health minister`s visit coincides with the 51th anniversary of the biggest hospital in Bali," head of the Sanglah hispital`s spokesperson dr IGNA Putra Wibawa said Wednesday.
The minister`s visit had actually been planned two weeks ago. He was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 10.30 am.
The minister would inspect all the facilities of the hospital in connection with the change of its status into an international hospital.
Putra said the minister might also be in the company of the Director General of
Medical Services Development dr Supriyantoro.
Her visit was also related with the handing of an ISO or accreditation certificate for the existing facilities and services at the hospital by the ISO director.
"The ISO will be ISO 9001 as the third ISO after those of 2006 and 2008, which need to be renewed in every two years," Putra said.
Putra also said that right now only 17 fields and installations at the Sanglah hospital had already been accredited with ISO. The fields and installations included IRD, Wing International and Radiological Laboratory.
In the meantime there are eight other fields and installations which had not been given an ISO accreditation like nutritional installation, anatomy pathological laboratory and geriatrics.
It is worth to note that the services at the hospital had often still been complained by the patients.
Many facilities of the hospital were still in need of improvement if it wishes to become a hospital of international standard, including information technology considered still to be underdeveloped, so that its services to the patients were still far from optimum.
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