MEDAN, N SUMATERA - North Sumatera High Prosecutor's Office named two more suspects linked with South Tapanuli graft case. Both newly-suspected persons are former regency administration officials, Prosecutor chief Sution Usman Adjie said here Thursday (Dec.9).
"We have added list of suspects. The investigation found them misappropriate the fund in a coordination," he told Waspada Online through cellular phone.
However, Sution decline to reveal identity of those suspects. "Let's follow the procedure. Corruption tends to hold through a coordination system," he added.
The announcement proved Chief Sution Usman Adji's vow that his side to declare two more suspects involved in South Tapanuli budget graft case.
"We have listed potential suspects as the investigation found strong indication they have misused the money," said he.
Sution said there is greater possibility to name former regional administration Secretary of South Tapanuli regency, Leonardi Pane (2005-2006), and the ex-South Tapanuli Secretary Affan Siregar in 2006.
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