Airasia Flight Attendant (Jawa Barat - Bandung)
* Male/Female, 18-25 years old, min height Female=160 cm, Male=170 cm
* Well groomed & good looking
* Min SMU (S1 or D3 will be advantage)
* Willing to be posted outside origin
* Genuine interest to serve people
* Fluent spoken english is a must (Able to speak mandarin will be advantage)
Bring Your Application, Complete CV (including original & Copies of education background) 1 photocopy ID (KTP), Recent Photograph coloured head & shoulder photo (passport size), postcard size, Foto copy SKCK
Date: 3rd March 2011
Time: 08.00 wib
Venue: SAVOY HOMANN HOTEL (Emperor Room), Jl. Asia Afrika, No.112, Bandung
Dress Code:
Female: Knee Length Skirt, Formal Blouse, High Heel Shoes, No Panty Hose, Well Groomed
Male: Formal suite with Tie