SUKABUMI - Health-care maintenance company PT Bio Farma has exported its vaccines to 110 different countries in the world. Of the 200 vacinne companies in the world, Bio Farma was one of the 29 with a prequalification certificate from the World Health Organitation (WHO).
Public relations officer of PT Bio Farma Lala Nurlaela said the Indonesian company has won the trust of hundreds of companies in the world as a reliable vaccine supplier, polio in particular.
"Hundreds of companies are relying on us for our vaccines," Lala said after familiarizing the vaccines to hundreds of higher secondary school students in Sukabumi Wednesday.
In the meantime, a company doctor of PT Bio Farma, Erwin Setiawan said health has been developing favorably each year. Therefore he and his company continued the development of the product so that it would remain reliable both at home and abroad.
In addition, he said, his company is currently also building a facility for the research purposes and production of the bird flu vacinnes. "Right now our vaccines are still growing as well its quality and had helped millions people in the world get rid of many diseases," he said.
He also made it clear that the vaccines made by Bio Farma is no madicine, as many people in Indonesia especially in Sukabumi still said that the vaccine is a medical drug.
"The vaccine is a substance from a living being to promote its immunity including that of the human body and right now our product is still the best in the world," Erwin said.
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