Jakarta - The coordinated military attacks launched on Libya by the Western coalition are regretted as the aim of the measure has wrongfully taken advantage of the UN-mandated resolution to protect Libyan civilians, a legislator said.
"The attacks are totally wrong and the United Nations should have been fair on this matter," Nurhayati Ali Assegaf of the House of Representatives` Commission I that deals among others with foreign affairs said here Wednesday.
In response to questions by ANTARA, Assegaf said the attacks by the Western coalition were a fatal mistake being made on the pretext of protecting the interests of Libya`s civilian population.
"The UN has made a mistake in this regard as the attacks launched by the coalition forces are not a form of protection for the civilian population in Libya," she said, adding that there could have been a hidden reason behind the attacks.
Assegaf added that Libya is known to possess huge oil deposits something that may give an explanation for the attack by those major powers which possibly aim to take control of those oil deposits.
"If the attack has been a form of protection for the civilian population in Libya, then why it is just Libya that has been made a target of those massive attacks? What about Israel which kills the Palestinian people every day?" she asked.
On the stance of the Indonesian government on the issue, Assegaf said that Jakarta should have taken advantage of its foreign policy platform of free and active and must not support the violence perpetrated on Libya.
Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa has previously expressed concern over developments in Libya saying the problem in Libya must be solved through dialogs like what has happened in Egypt.
"We need to help the process of creating a conducive situation to make it possible for a political dialog to be held there," he said of the military operations by the Western coalition on Libya as of Saturday last week.
The attack followed the passage of a no-fly zone over Libya by the U.N. Security Council of which military actions are permissible to protect civilians.
source : antaranews.com