MEDAN - Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation Makarim Wibisono said non-governmental organizations (NGOs) need to increase their capacity in science and information technology.
"The NGO program of Connection Day held by Microsoft and the ASEAN Foundation can improve and expand the perception of the NGOs on information technology, to enable them to achieve their purposes and provide the best services to the public," he said when opening NGO Connection Day here Tuesday.
Taking part in the event themed "Empowerment of ology for social and economic development" were 148 participants from NGOs of Medan, Aceh and other areas.
The ASEAN Foundation has already been working together with Microsoft in the last two years, and got assistance in the form of soft core including original instruments," the former Indonesian permanent representative to the UN in New York in the 2004-2007 period said.
He said on the occasion Mikrosoft also invited all NGOs to take part in the Microsoft Software Donation Program.Program of Microsoft in providing soft ware to help NGOs in applying technology which will improve and expand their scope and effect of their services throughout Indonesia.
"In the digital era, NGOs must be able to give the best of services and share information accurately, effectively and timely to their working partners and receivers of the benefits of our programs," he said.
On the occasion, Wibisono also said that the ASEAN Foundation gives if strong and firm support to increasing information technology of the people with the cooperation of many parties.
With Microsoft, the ASEAN Foundation has since 2005 held ICT training for more than 2,000 participants from Indonesia.
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