Senin 17 Mar 2025


Senin, 17 Mar 2025

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Stunning eyes

Friday, October 15, 2010 | 9:09 AM WIB | 1 Views Last Updated 2010-10-15T14:09:41Z
Our eyes are like two small cameras in the head, which constantly sends rows of images to the brain. such as television cameras that transmit live images to the screen

1. our eyes have a section called the lens. like the camera, the lens helps focus what we see, so that every detail is clear and not vague
Baca Juga :Stunning eyes

2. The ring is a beam of colored eye is called the iris muscle

3. The outer eyes closed translucent tissue called the cornea. cornea focuses light through the pupil

4. the pupil is a hole in the circle of muscle. pupil open for incoming light at night and closes on a clear day and full sun
5. light travels through the pupil to the retina at the back of the eye. retina contains specialized cells called rods and krucut. other than that react terhadapa light and color. nerves carry messages from these cells into the brain.
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