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the trade in protected animals

Thursday, October 21, 2010 | 10:24 AM WIB | 2 Views Last Updated 2010-10-21T15:24:38Z
Trading activities of plants and wildlife, as stipulated in applicable legislation, and CITES, generally follow the stages of the determination of quotas, licensing trade in wild plants and animals, and control the circulation of wild plants and animals as a control system in plants and wildlife trade, as follows:

KuotaPerdagangan plant and wildlife species begins with the establishment of quotas taking / catching wild plants and animals from the wild. Quotas are a limit on the type and number of plants and wildlife that can be taken from natural habitats. Determination of quotas taking / catching wild plants and animals based on the precautionary principle (precautionary principle) and the scientific basis to prevent damage or degradation of the population (non-detriment finding) as set forth in Article IV of CITES. Quotas set by the Director General of Protection and Nature Conservation on the recommendation of LIPI for any period of one year. calendar for both specimens are included or not included in the CITES Appendices list, both types of protected or otherwise. In the process of preparation of the quota it was realized that the availability of data on potential vegetation and wildlife that describes populai and spread of each species is still very limited. For the role of nongovernmental organizations and universities will be very significant in helping to information about the potential and the spread of plants and wildlife that utilize.

PerizinanPerdagangan dna plant species of wildlife can only be done by business entities established under Indonesian law, and received permission from the Government (Ministry of Forestry through the Directorate General of Protection and Nature Conservation). According to the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 477/Kpts-II/2003, recognized three types of trade licenses of plants and wildlife, namely:
permission to take or capture the plants and wildlife, published BKSDA,
licensed as dealers of plants and wildlife of the Interior, published BKSDA, and
licensed as dealers of plants and wildlife to and from Foreign Affairs, published by the Director General of Protection and Nature Conservation.

Trade shows legality circulation TSLUntuk plants and wildlife for the purpose of trade, to every trader must have a document in the form of letter of Transport Plant and Wildlife of the Interior (Stas-DN), to cover the circulation of plants and wildlife in the country. And S vein Transport Plant and Wildlife Foreign Affairs (SATS-LN), to cover the circulation of wild plants and animals to foreign countries (exports) / CITES export permit, from abroad (imports) / CITES import permit, and shipping out again country (re-exports) / CITES re-export permit. The document contains information on the types and number of plants and wildlife that are transported, the name and address of the sender, and the origin and destination of shipment.

Supervision and Development Perdagangan TSLDilakukan start of the level of extraction or capture of specimens of plants and wildlife, the circulation of the domestic surveillance, and supervision to and outside negeri.Pengawasan dar i capture wild plants and animals in nature was conducted in order for utilization in accordance with permission granted (not exceeding catch quotas), the arrests were made with no damage to habitats or populations in nature, and for specimens used in a state of life, not cause many deaths caused by taking or catching way that is not true. In addition, in order to control trade in plants and wildlife, along BKSDA PHKA give guidance to the decision-catcher plant and wildlife, plants and wildlife dealers in the country, plants and wildlife dealers abroad, and the beneficiary associations of plants and animals wild. However, the supervision of various activities above, ranging from the arrest in natural habitats, shipping in the domestic and overseas shipments, is not an easy job. For that cooperation and coordination between and BKSDA PHKA with related agencies such as Customs, Quarantine Center, and Police and society (NGOs) is very important.

D. TSL Trade IllegalPengaturan plants and wildlife trade is executed on the basis of national legislation and CITES, is in an effort to harness the potential of plants and wildlife in a sustainable manner. Behind it, we are faced with the fact that the trade of illegal wildlife and flora also occur in both the national and international level.

Plants and wildlife are being subjected to more serious illegal trade threatens the sustainability of wild plant and animal species, since most of the species under national laws are included in the protected category, or enter into a category of Appendix I of CITES. Some wildlife species that are traded illegally entering into two categories, that is protected and incoming Appendix I of CITES, such as orangutans, Sumatran tigers, elephants, and rhinos. Poaching on these species conducted for the purpose of pet, skin, fangs, and tusks / horns.
In terms of Government Regulation (PP). 8, 1999 and CITES, the use of plants and wildlife are protected and listed in Appendix I of CITES is possible to do, through captive breeding efforts. Plants and wildlife can be exploited through breeding efforts, after reaching the second generation of captive breeding (F2), and business units penangkarannya been registered at the Secretariat of CITES. However, trade of plants and wildlife are protected and listed in CITES Appendix I of the captive, in Indonesia, not much done, except for Arowana species and several species of birds. The fact is the trade of plants and wildlife are protected and listed in Appendix I of CITES which is taken from natural habitats still occur, either to trade in the domestic and overseas perdaganagan. Of course, illegal hunting is increasingly threatening the existence of populations of plants and wildlife have less and less natural habitat, the habitat is more limited. An important step to overcome the illegal poaching is strictly enforcing the law incorrect, and continuously develop techniques / methods of breeding plants and wildlife are protected and listed in Appendix I of CITES.
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