MEDAN - Medan's Legislative Council criticize poor performance of the City Health agency due to disappointed result to run main agendas deal with health service.
"The output of JPKMS program looks stagnant in connection with agency's failure to approach poor people through JPKMS, to establish a qualified 24-hour medical treatment center, and to anticipate dengue fever epidemic," the City Legislative Assembly's Commission B lawmaker Khairuddin Salim told Waspada Online, on Wednesday (Nov.3), at his office.
In his view, the failure degrade administration office service since those issues linked with social interest.
"Not only the agency chief, but the secretary, the agency's section heads, and the agency's subdivision heads ought to be evaluated," said Khairuddin, adding that Health agency Secretary must have retired for his elder age.
Earlier, the agency admitted that JPKMS has yet register local underprivileged in which the numbers predicted near to 500,000 deprived people.
"It was not Medan Dinkes fault as the agency authorized to run the health insurance program, possibly the mistake caused by lack coordination within sub-rural administration leader (kepling)," Dinkes Medan chapter head, Edwin Efendi responded Waspada Online's question in Medan.
According to him, kepling obliged to register whole underprivileged residences due to poor people list submission for Dinkes acted by rural administration head. "That's why, I got confuse to see, though the program already covered 500,000 people still left unregistering deprived one," he said.
"The output of JPKMS program looks stagnant in connection with agency's failure to approach poor people through JPKMS, to establish a qualified 24-hour medical treatment center, and to anticipate dengue fever epidemic," the City Legislative Assembly's Commission B lawmaker Khairuddin Salim told Waspada Online, on Wednesday (Nov.3), at his office.
In his view, the failure degrade administration office service since those issues linked with social interest.
"Not only the agency chief, but the secretary, the agency's section heads, and the agency's subdivision heads ought to be evaluated," said Khairuddin, adding that Health agency Secretary must have retired for his elder age.
Earlier, the agency admitted that JPKMS has yet register local underprivileged in which the numbers predicted near to 500,000 deprived people.
"It was not Medan Dinkes fault as the agency authorized to run the health insurance program, possibly the mistake caused by lack coordination within sub-rural administration leader (kepling)," Dinkes Medan chapter head, Edwin Efendi responded Waspada Online's question in Medan.
According to him, kepling obliged to register whole underprivileged residences due to poor people list submission for Dinkes acted by rural administration head. "That's why, I got confuse to see, though the program already covered 500,000 people still left unregistering deprived one," he said.
As the anticipation for 2010 JPKMS program, Efendi added, Kepling would be urged to give accurate list of JPKMS.